What Exercises To Do To Tone My Stomach On Vibrating Plates?

Keep your stomach toned with a vibration plate

One of the latest fads in the exercise world is the use of vibration platforms. Whole body vibration has been mostly used in sports medicine and rehabilitation. The motion by these platforms causes physiological stimulation to the human body and induces changes that are beneficial to assessed treatment goals.

What is a vibration plate?

The history of the vibration plate goes back to Russia where scientists in the Space program used it on cosmonauts to stop bone density reduction and muscle atrophy. They concluded that not only did the vibration plate stop the loss but also generated an increase.

A vibration plate creates a powerful pulsating vibration. When someone stands on it, the plate triggers the reflex muscles in the body. The muscles contract up to 50 times per second.
The whole body vibrates to the frequency of the vibration plate causing the muscles to contract and stretch to maintain balance. These involuntary reflexes occur rapidly and intensify even with the most basic of physical exercise.

When used for exercise a vibration plate provides a low impact workout that can be customised for all fitness levels and all ages.


The main benefit of using a vibration plate is building strength and achieving toning. Any exercise on it causes the muscles to work harder. This action builds overall strength throughout the body.

Whole body vibration is used to repair damaged muscles and tendons. People suffering from pain especially back pain benefit from using vibration plates.

The therapy can also improve circulation and spinal stability for patients who have suffered from a stroke. This therapy must be under the care of a medical professional, chiropractor or physiotherapist.

Some studies have indicated that exercise regimen using vibrating plates can help people with cerebral palsy to walk and stand better.

Regular use of vibration plates can improve flexibility and balance for physical sports like climbing, skiing and many others. Use after physical activity enhances muscle performance and recovery times.

This plate provides massage and circulation which aid in healing any muscle injuries, improving supply of oxygen and ridding the muscles of harmful lactic acid.

Together with a sensible diet, regular exercise on a vibrating plate can reduce body fat. Used over a long period of time, weight loss and reduction of cellulite is clearly visible. People who are struggling with obesity can trim their fat and maintain long term weight loss.

Exercises to tone the stomach

Warm ups are essential in any exercise regimen, even when using a vibrating plate. Do this by standing on the plate. Relax the back muscles at a higher frequency. Perform pelvic tilts to engage the muscles in your lower abdomen. Trunk rotations can help to shape your waist.

  • Standing abdominal
    Stand in the middle of the vibration plate. The feet should be shoulder width apart and weight evenly distributed. Put your hands on the support bar and hold it at chest height. Knees should be slightly bent and the back should be straight. Keep your head up and push down through the upper torso. Arms need to be straight and the shoulder back. Tension should be felt to engage the abs further.
  • Lateral abdominal
    Get into the side plank position. Place one forearm on the vibration plate and extend your legs in front of you. Stack your get with one on top of the other. Your head, torso and legs should be in the same line. Shoulders and hips should be pushed down to create tension in the abs. Alternate to give a full body workout.
  • Lower abdominal
    Get into the classic plank position with your elbows on the vibration plate. Extend your legs behind you in a straight position while keeping your feet together. If it is easier for you, rest your knees on the floor. Keep your back straight and the neck aligned. Hold the position for half a minute with increments as your stamina increases. During this exercise you should feel tension in your abs, glutes and hamstrings.
  • Abdominal crunch
    Lie down on you back on top of the vibration plate. Bend your legs in the air at a 90 degree angle. Support your head with your hands while keeping your elbows back. In a smooth movement, crunch your upper body towards your legs. Do not pull your arms and keep your hips and lower back in contact with the plate. Vary and change the routine as you see fit.

  • Reverse plank with raised leg
    Sit on the floor. Put your hands on the vibrating plate behind you with your fingers pointing away from you. Take the reverse plank position maintaining a straight line from your head to the toes. Raise one leg, put it down and repeat with the other leg. Increasing the intensity will strengthen your core and flatten your tummy sooner.
  • Spider Man plank
    Begin in a regular plank position with your elbows on the vibrating plate. Keep your body straight. You should feel tension in your abs. Bring one knee up to meet your elbow and resume the original position. Alternate in a controlled and slow pace.
  • Leg raise with curl
    Sit and lie on your back on a large base vibrating plate. Keep your arms out and feet slightly off the floor. Hold this position. Raise your legs straight into the air and then return. Bring your knees to your chest and return. Repeat. Keep a steady rhythm.
  • V sit ups
    Lie on your back on a vibrating plate with a large base. Lift your legs into a vertical position. Bring your arms up. Pull your upper body and aim for your toes. You don’t have to touch your toes. The aim is to get your shoulders up.
  • Scissor lift
    Sit and lie on your back on top of a large based vibrating plate. Your arms should be straight out with palms facing down. For more comfort, you can place your hands under your glutes. In a controlled manner, lift one leg at a time to a vertical position and then return. Alternate and repeat.

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